Sunday, December 4, 2011

You know your a Mommy when.....

  • you look forward to cleaning the house with everyone out of the house...
  •  you start the coffee pot before anyone gets their breakfast.....
  • you find "Mommy time" by buckling the kids in their car seats and running back in the house to go pee
  • you LOVE lady Gaga...this might just be me but its my new obsession
  • you find yourself standing in a room wondering what you were doing there
  • you are asking yourself the last time you took a shower or brushed your teeth
  • you save your calories/carbs for your evening adult beverage
  • you think its evening and its only 2pm
  • you dream of owning more efficient-kick-ass appliances
  • you pretend to be having a "really long" poop on the toilet
  • you rearrange furniture, a lot
  • you are blogging.......
*I know that this does not describe ALL Mommies. And this is not my complete list. I was hoping all you Mommies out there could help me add to it! So leave a comment with " You know your a Mommy when"....Can't wait to read them!! Happy Sunday:)

This is me getting a road trip/ Real Mommy time with my BFF:)


  1. ...when you say things like, "Please don't lasso your brother" and "everyone gets to flush their own poop"

  2. Your idea of a good time is taking a nap.

  3. when even tho your "kids" are over 20 years still worry about them...and miss those "younger(crazy,never gonna end) days" sooooo much...

  4. you live on a food budget and NO food goes in the trash (you moms know what I am talking about!). Love the list Ri!

  5. LOL I can't stop laughing about "everyone gets a turn to flush"!! Good one Melynda:)
    I LOVE naps! Can't believe I forgot that one.
    Mom if you want I can come over and throw myself on the floor and kick and scream!!LOL
    OOOh Ashley food budget for sure!! know your a Mommy when you can't wait to see what marked down produce T & C has!

  6. When you just get used to sitting on that puddle of pee on the toilet seat.... three boys hehe.

  7. Love it Carlan! Or when you get used to fallen in the toilet when they forget to put the lid back down!


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