Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blog Name? HELP me Please!!

So I changed my blog name because there were 5000 "Mommy Land" blogs. Then I chose Day 2 Day Mama but it is just not doing it for me. So I am asking my already devoted readers to HELP me!!
We all know there is 5,000,000 Mommy blogs already. And now with mine it will be 5,000,001:) I really want a name that is true to me. This blog is to share our lives in a real light. No foo-foo, just the good down dirty stuff we all know as Mamas:)
So scroll down to the comment box and post a comment! Can't wait to hear all your brilliant ideas and thoughts!
Happy hump day!

Nola age 3, my little creative-dramatic spirit!


  1. "The hardest job I've ever had"

  2. Bonnie mom (not really this was Buck's idea too)December 7, 2011 at 6:28 PM

    "Sharing is caring"

  3. LOL Sharing is Caring kinda rolls off the tongue:) I will put it on my list of possibilities!!
    The Hardest Job I ever had, hmmmmm I am not sure if it is? It is definitely the most exhausting!Thanks!

  4. Love it Erin! You should start a blog you funny girl:)

  5. Alli said...
    Something with the word whimsical in it...maybe whimsical mumsy? You are such a funny mom that I started playing around with those two words on thesaurus! Good luck!

  6. Alli then said...


  7. Love it Alli! I will put it on my list of possibilities! Sounds kinda like I should be from England or something:)


Tell me what your thinking: