Saturday, December 10, 2011

2 Peas in a Pod!

Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts. 
Author Unknown                                           


  1. Holy have Blog page...
    Its cool only it doesnt fit on my laptop screen.
    The brown script lead in...."sell the kids"..
    is too big deal but just noteworthy
    ....Remember to tell me the dream!
    And when did you start this blog....assuming
    lately...cuz no commments on here..
    Well, by God I do some girl!
    I say my girl with really warm heart because
    I missed out raising a girl or helping to raise
    one...Tasha Marie became a step-child with
    me and boys Mom but she ended up going to
    live with her dad at an early age I
    didnt really get to bond with her....
    we are out of contact....yada....she is mormom
    too so that doesnt help...
    BUT ...I am in contact with my GIRL NOW!!!!
    My normal comment to "whatca thinking" is
    OH, bout 3 words a minute....and then the
    smirks come out...
    I am thinking this morning...its cold, i am
    not getting as much done on pool as I want to..
    I gotta go to Walmart...and there is a story
    I will tell ya ...The Walmart Story.
    and I am thinking....I love you... and I
    hope Tom is coming around....and yes I thot
    of selling my children when they were in
    Omak with me...when I came home from work
    after buying groceries the day before and
    opened the fridge and ALL the food was Gone!
    Well, Dad we just brought a few friends over
    for lunch and they were Hungry! about
    10 friends ...2 loaves of bread and all the
    trimmings gone...Boy do Boys like to eat!
    I love them then and love them now...but
    its a modified form of love...
    Well, what I am thinking would fill a couple
    books easy...and lots of may be dribble...
    If you want to sell the kids let me know..
    I would probable sell a kidney for them...
    well, maybe I shouldnt cuz Shirl might need
    one of mine if they matched up....but
    I could sell something else....
    I miss all of ya...
    I loved you all, dad...

  2. That's my handsome boy and sweet granddaughter!

  3. Adore this pic! Missing you guys!


Tell me what your thinking: