Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years Reso-whaaat?

Happy 2012 folks!!

My 2011 highlights:

  • Meeting my biological father. 
  • My brother graduating from college!
  • Becoming a stay at home Mom
  • Being married 5 years to most amazing man ever!
  • Passing all my thousands of tests and finding out I am just crazy:)
  • Cortisone shot in my SI joint was a game changer!!! 
I am sure I am forgetting something...please tell me if I have.

So I don't do resolutions. I think that they are a crock of shit and a marketing scam for exercise equipment and gym memberships.
I do however embrace the unknown and newness. Sure my resolution list might look like this:

  • loose weight 
  • stop smoking
  • cut out sugar 
  • exercise more 
  • watch less t.v. 
  • read more
  • start a business
  • blah, blah, blah.....

.....But lets face it. I have a hard time doing this all year long what is so different about the New Year!!
Don't let me discourage you from something that might motivate you to make some changes. But don't torture yourself and don't be disappointed if your new treadmill turns into a towel rack:)



Embrace that you are pretty awesome no matter what. And really challenge yourself and start working out in June so when the New Year rolls around you can say " Take that reso-whaat, I already did it!!" 

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