Monday, January 23, 2012

Change is in the air.....

I have been having "Bloggers Block" if there is such a thing. I still am kinda. But now I am writing in here so I guess I have something to say?
Well I said about a month ago that I could feel change a coming. Still not sure in what way, shape or form. Lots going on around me. The lots O' things are really being highlighted by sadness and uncertainty.
Myself I reveal in uncertainty cause life is just that way, you know? And if their were to be a lesson in all of this, it might be just that, uncertainty.
We can't plan it, we can't change it and we can't expect it. Pretty simple right? Well if this is simple to you let me know how you do it cause I could use some pointers!!

Life is just that way and it gets pretty shitty sometimes. But uncertainty keeps me guessing and growing:) Hug your loved ones tighter and for gawd sakes give yourself a break.

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